Combat Handgun Training Films Collection

Six rare training films! The first comprehensive collection of combat shooting films.
This DVD contains six unique movies that show the evolution of combat handgun techniques from WWII through the 1990's. Films include vintage Army training methods, classic FBI revolver techniques and point-shooting, and modern training methods from the US Treasury Bureau. This extensive overview will provide students of handgun technique a look at the history of basic training methods, holster styles and usage, tactical use of cover and other combat survival tips. No other DVD available covers this wide of a range of training methodology.
- Combat Firing with Hand Guns US Army film (16 mins)
Army Pictorial Service film showing WWII era IPSC-style combat firing training. The film shows much better techniques than I'd imagine for it's age. The demonstrations feature mostly one-handed firing with the 1911 pistol, many scenes use tracers to good effect to visually illustrate where the rounds are going. This film would be a great introduction to someone unfamilar with the Colt 1911 semi-automatic, as it very clearly illustrates core basics such as correct grip/stance/firing positions.
- Fundamentals of Double-Action Revolver Shooting FBI (16 mins)
This classic F.B.I. training film illustrates 1940-50's era FBI combat crouch style 'point shoulder shooting' techniques. The majority of the film focuses on draw and stance as it pertains to point shooting. Other topics covered are barricade use, mirror dry firing as a practice method, and the then cutting edge electronic target ranges.
- Shooting for Survival FBI (14 mins)
Another F.B.I. training film, this one in color from 1969. Shot in a TV cop-show style, its emphasis is on practical application of barricade/cover usage, richochet awareness via showing skip-firing off of the ground and walls, shotgun use and very close range technique. Well presented, it features footage from the FBI training range at Quantico.
- Introduction to Firearms Treasury Dept. (17 mins)
A 1994 film by the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, this is an introduction to the basics of handgun shooting. It covers all the necessary fundamentals of stance/grip/trigger control, and sight alignment, as well as the proper loading/unloading of the service revolver. I believe this is the best visual presentation I have seen of proper sight picture in any training film; they show clearly the effect what a proper front sight focus should look like from the shooter's viewpoint. The portion on 'ball and dummy' exercises is also a great tool to help beginning shooters see clearly any mistakes they are making in trigger control.
- Range Safety for Firearms Instructors (18 mins)
Also produced by the FLETC, this is an interesting and rather practical film with lots of great tips and info for range officers. Very well filmed and presented, it shows numerous examples of unsafe behavior and then illustrates just how a range officer should respond to correct the mistakes. Topics cover outdoor/indoor ranges, revolver/semi-auto as well as long arms.
- Tactical Advanced Pistol Program FLETC /Treasury Dept. (13 mins)
This video is essentially a long-form commercial for the Tactical Advanced Pistol Program, a two week training course provided by the FLETC. This overview shows off the various facilities, ranges (both indoor and outdoor) and phases that include range training, non-lethal Simuntion scenarios and a live-fire shoot house. It is impressive to see the variety of training modes; both group firing, coordinated fire and maneuver—even with vehicles driven inside the expansive indoor range! No training or tactics are presented, rather this video is designed to educate and create interest for law enforcement agencies to utilize this Federal training program.
BONUS FILMS - IPhone & IPod Touch formatted versions of each film above.
These are specially re-sized M4V files are easily copied to your Apple iPhone or iPod for convenient viewing anywhere !